Tourism Fiji
Tourism Fiji
Global Brand Relaunch
My roles | Branding | Art Direction | Design | Digital
In Fiji, happiness exists whether the tourists are there or not. So, at a time when travellers craved authenticity, we ditched the poolside pina coladas and focused on happiness that ran culture deep. After winning a hotly contested global pitch for Tourism Fiji, we set out to show the country in a completely new light with a brand platform that showed how, in Fiji, happiness isn’t some gimmick that gets turned on for tourists - it exists whether they’re there or not. The result was ‘Where happiness comes naturally’. From working with National Geographic photographers to recording music in villages and VO in the three primary languages of Fiji, - the new platform celebrates the authentic happiness that runs culture-deep in Fiji, rather than simply presenting locals in service to tourists.
Created at Host/Havas
Film Director: Kyra Bartley
Photographer: Matthieu Paley
Fjjian Masi Artist: Wati Maraiwai Talavutu